Subject: Zip Bad-superblock on mount?
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Michael Peters <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 04/21/1997 14:05:53
After getting the zip disk successfully formatted a/ux 2.0 free, I've
used mkfs 1.4 on it and zapped the thing into a a/ux user slice partition.
This is where my luck runs out. Using the numbers I found posted here a
few weeks(?) ago, as well as some other edu-guesses as to the geometry of
the zip disk, I continue to get "Bad Superblock" when I try to mount
/dev/sd1a. Here is an example of the numbers,
sector size: 512
sectors/track: 40
tracks/Cylender: 512
num. Cylenders: 2046
FS Size:196430
I have also tried changing FS size to 208xxx (don't remember the last 3
digits), which is what my math gave me (I'm probably wrong). The numbers
I found here suggest a FS size of 145230, however, is that smaller number
necessary since this disk is not meant to be bootable? I'm not reserving
any space for swap/macos/eschatology etc.
Many thanks for all the help,
-Michael D. Peters
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