Subject: Re: Zip again
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Rick Hawkins <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 04/22/1997 20:09:31
>  I was under the impression that as a non-root/boot disk, it wasn't
> necessary to have any other partitions on the disk... I'll give it a try
> tho... nothing else so far works.

You don't need the partition for bsd.  It's just that mkfs1.4 doesn't
see the last partition, so simply removing the last partion & replacing
it . . .

For that matter, you can even leave it as a mac partition.  ANd it's
been a while since i looked, but don't zip disks come with an extra
little iomega partion at the end?  if so, you can just run mkfs1.4, and
confert the mac partition, and forget entirely about hd/sc
