Subject: PowerBook 160
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 04/29/1997 14:43:31
Hi again,
I tried a bunch of kernels on my PB160, and here's what happened. Only one
worked - PMTEST.961214.122.iv.ncr.tar.gz. This one boots past single user
but won't give me a command prompt. It hangs after getting through
initializing local deamons and printing the date. It then says:
init: changing kernel mode from 0 to 1 (or something like that), and then
accepts input from the keyboard, but otherwise won't do anything.
The following kernels don't get past preserving a portion of the NetBSD
symbol table (first line after the booter exits):
netbsd-20.tgz, HWDIRECT.168.tar.gz (surprising), and GENERIC-0.tar.gz (from
the OpenBSD directory).
Thanks for any help with and attention to this!