Subject: Re: adb & genetic algorithms
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Rick Hawkins <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/06/1997 13:42:34
> > > And I have three batteries and a long extension
> > cord . . . and toshiba is making 810mb drives, $399 . . .
> Oh, cool. Where? lists them for $449, but discounts $50 if you
tell them you saw the post (in all kinds of newsgroups where it didn't
belong). I assume that they also exist through other venders.
> We know how the interfaces work for the most part, but an algorithm
> such as you describe might help us weed out some problems. Do you have
> any examples of code for such a project so we can determine how
> difficult it would be?
I can pull up a few, but here's the rough descriptin. They're usually
fairly quick to write. I'll assume here that
a) bsd has loaded enough of itself to run the program
b) the search space is known
c) that there is a way of measuring how successful the attempt was, with
intermediate states between success & fail.
Now, in no particular languge :)
c popsize is the number of candiate solutions to use at once
c stringsize is the size in bits of the searchspace
Parameter popsize = 20, stringsize=500,groups=popsize/4
binary agents(popsize,stringsize)
integer scores(popsize),order(popsize)
c randomize the initial populations
do i=1,popsize
agents(i,) =binaryrandom(stringsize)
c ie, completely randomize all of the bits
c the main loop
do while not done
c give the current population a try
do i=1,20
c reinitialize adb
c try initializing with these parameters
c store the evaluation of the attempt
scores(i) = evaluation()
c if full solution, quit
if (max(scores) = perfectscore ) then done = true
c now we've tried them all; breed them
c this method is tournament selection; it prevents convergence at too
c fast a rate
c randomly order the candidates
c randomorder is assumed to be a function that returns an array
c of integers in a random order
c now sort each group of 4
c groupsort sorts the i-th group of 4 elements in "order",according to
c their scores in "scores". it needn't rearrange scores, as this is all
c we needed them for. also, it needn't fully sort; all that it really
c has to do is to put the two highest in the first two spots
do i=1,groups
c in this group, keep the two best, and breed the other two
c define the two parents to make code look cleaner while explaining
mom = 4*i-3
dad = 4*i-2
brother = 4*i-1
do j = brother, sister
c make a string of 0 above startsplice, and above endsplice;
c 1 elsewhere (use modulo stringlenth; end could be before start
splicestring = makesplice(startsplice,endsplice)
agents(order(j))= (agents(order(mom)) AND splicesting)
OR (agents(order(dad)) AND NOT splicestring)
c the offspring now have some genes from mom, & some from dad
c now maybe mutate it
if(random < muterate)
c if we're here, we're mutating
mutestring = randomstring AND makesplice(random(stringlength),
agents(order(j)) = agents(order(j)) XOR mutestring
c we now have our next generation; do it all again
c once we're here, we have something that works
A couple of notes:
1) the binary string isn't usually the best choice. generally, this
string is a group of other values--separate parameters, etc. It works
better to mutate the smaller pieces (ie., if a mutation, one or more of
these change). mutating the whole string can cause unreasonable changes
in high bits of one parameter, and lowbits in another.
2) similarly, if there are known bounds on a parameter (e.g., bcd rather
than hex), bounds checking on the mutated parameters helps.
3) the mutation helps avoid local optima. However, GA's are
susceptible to these. Here, though, any "working" value would be
4) it could be useful to dump the population at various for inspection,
which could allow optimizing or hand-searching for values
5) If the searchspace or the adb problem can be parameterized this way,
there is a *really* cool paper to publish in an alife journal
6) if one of the "bad" outcomes could be a machine hang, the state
should be saved for each solution, with a score of "hang" saved. There
should be a mechanical device resetting the machine at some intervals
(or if it fails to talk to a second machine often enought. My original
thinking, before the 180 was cracked, was to wire the relay switch on my
old tandy 102 to the reset on the powerbook . . .
7) if there is no way to rank "how" successful an attempt was, this is
all for nothing :(