Subject: Re: X Windows on PB160
To: None <>
From: Michael R Zucca <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/07/1997 11:06:19
> Well, now that My PB160 is mostly working with internal video, I figuered
> I'd really push my luck and try running X on it.
What kernel were you using?
> Needless to say, it didn't work. (Michael Zucca are you out there?)
Yes I am. I'm just stuck under a pile of grad-work. :)
> Actually, the screen goes all grey the way it does when you first boot into
> MacBSD, and on the bottom line of the screen is the text:
> screen 0 at 0x41ad000, 640 by 400, row B 80, fbase 0xbf700
> and it just dies there.
Let it run for a little bit. Sometimes X takes a while to come up.
If it got the screen gray then it managed to map in screen memory and plow
some bits onto the screen. If it crashed it might indicate that the kernel
thinks VRAM is bigger than it actually is.
BTW, is this internal video as in the LCD screen or "external video" as
in an external monitor?
> I wouldn't have started in with X at all except that I got the Emacs
> binaries for the Amiga, and they require X, so I decided to go for X
> as well.
You should also be able to pick up a non-X version of emacs or just run
emacs with -nw (no window).
> P.S. (Second plea for Michael Zucca?)
Sorry. I'm piled under with work. Otherwise people might be running *color*
X windows by now...Hang in there folks, it'll only be a few more weeks
before I can get cracking on intvid again.
Thanks for your patience!