Subject: Quadra 610 Installation
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Tom English <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/18/1997 18:59:36
I have a Quadra 610 with 20MB of RAM and an adjustable keyboard. I
wonder if kernel support for this machine and ADB Adjustable Keybs is in
the current release of MacBSD 1.2.1? I installed the kernel only on to
an external Quantum ProDrive LPS 40 which is partitioned as root and usr
and mounted as sd0 and it threw a kernel error saying "panic: address
error" after dumping four lines of hex code. Is this something to do
with the machine (there are some curious adb messages as the UNIX kernel
attempts to boot) or should I take the plunge and download the 7.3 MB
base121 file and expect a proper boot?
I just get a db> prompt after the address error.
Any help would be appreciated.
Tom English.