Subject: Re: Best version for SE-30?
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Jesse Swensen <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/19/1997 21:06:54
At 3:03 PM -0400 5/19/97, Brad Salai wrote:
>I recently acquired an SE-30 and installed 1.2.1 on it thinking of making
>it a production machine for DNS and mail.
>I noticed immediately that the console has the revert to reverse video
>problem, [smip]

I someone else mentioned this as well and suggested to use vt100 emulation.
Worked for me...

>The question, does anyone have an SE30 running, and if so what is the
>preferred release for it?

I am currently setting up an SE/30 and have a successful install.  I am
using NetBSD 1.2.1 (GENERIC).

>Also, I checked the status page and am pleased to see that ethernet is
>working. Does anyone know if cards are available from anyone these days?

There are a couple, but the one I am using is the MacCON 30si by Asante.



Jesse Swensen        111 Vashon CT.       (919) 481-3480 (home)       Cary, NC  27513      (919) 481-3363 (FAX)

       "Intel Inside" The worlds most used warning label.