Subject: Re: Stuck again...
To: Nico van Eikema Hommes <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/29/1997 09:05:59
> >I then restarted the machine.  I get the following:
> >root file system type: ffs
> >Automatic boot in progress: starting file system checks.
> >Usage: fsck [-dfnpy] [-b block] [-c level] [-mmode] filesystem ...
> >Unknown error; help!

Note: fsck has bombed BY GIVING ITS CORRECT USAGE! I'ts unhappy about
how it was called. This error is different from the fsck-gives-kernel-
panic errors we've seen (w/ LC040's).

> During boot, fsck is called as "fsck -p" to do filesystem checks when
> necessary and to repair automagically. However, fsck in the 970402 snapshot
> does not like to be called that way: it insists on getting the filesystem
> specified in the command line. Silly, but that's life.
> However, you should be able to boot by doing the following (in single user):
> fsck -p /              will do the read-only mounted root partition first
> fsck -p /dev/rsd0g     will do /usr (not sure if it should be rsd0g or sd0g,
>                        but fsck will just complain if you pichk the wrong on=
> e)
> exit                   to leave the single-user shell and continue booting
> Then, when everything is running, edit /etc/rc to call fsck as you just did,
> instead of just "fsck -p"

I had to do the same thing.. But it works great now.

Take care,
