Subject: Re: Strange chime and not working
To: Jaime Kikpole <>
From: Armen Babikyan <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/01/1997 02:05:07
> OK, Command-Option-P-R and the power key in the back were hard to hold
>down all at once. :) It didn't seem to help because the IIx still plays a
> I also took out the SCSI (and floppy) cables, but that didn't help
> However, pages 87-88 of Build Your Own Macintosh and Save a Bundle
>(from pre-'040 days!) states: Each SIMM must be filled with eight RAM
>chips. Nine RAM chip SIMMs to enable parity checking can be used in IIci
>and IIfx models when equiped with [deleted]. This was in reference to what
>the book calls "SIMM rules -- Mac SE 30 and NuBus" which seems to include
>the SE/30, II, IIx, IIcx, IIci, and IIfx. Does this sound right to you
> I bring this up because I'm using 3 chip SIMMs and the other IIx has
>2 chip SIMMs in it. Do you think this would effect it? I always assumed
>not, but I'm not finding other problems.
> BTW, I found a site that's selling 8MB SIMMs with PAL chips. Were
>these ever made? If I could get the IIx working, it'd sure be cool to have
>64MB of RAM (8MB * 8 slots)!! :)
heh yeah, but it would be too slow to be worth it. i get MacII's for free
nowadays, cause people don't want them anymore. these *are* old machines...
- a