Subject: Re: setup
To: Francis Peter <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/10/1997 14:26:00
> The DeskWriter is connected to my LocalTalk network. I use the Apple 
> Internet Router to route between my LocalTalk and EtherTalk network. The 
> DW is a newer version of the DW500. In MkLinux I used version 4.01 of GS.

Then you should be fine. Try the same version of GS, configured about the
same (different only in Linux vs NetBSD variations, which would only
be in the printer queues, I think). It should work with the 1.4b2 beta

The default 1.4b2 lacks the NetBSD patches (which should be in the
full 1.4 when it gets out).

> How can I compile netatalk in my kernel? What options do I have to enable?

options NETATALK


Take care,
