Subject: Re: NetBSD 1.2 slays Connectix VirtualPC emulator, film at 11
To: Sean Witham <>
From: John F. Woods <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/12/1997 14:04:41
I've removed port-i386 since their interest is probably dwindling rapidly.
> > Not replaced - Apple is continuing through System 8 and System 9 alongside
> > Rhapsody.
> Hmm but for how long ?
Through Summer 2000; codenames for the annual releases (from Norstad's notes)
are Tempo (System 8.0, summer 97), Allegro (Summer 98), Sonata (Summer 99),
and unnamed (Summer 00; personally, I'd suggest "Coda").
That's all dependant on their actually staying in business that long, and
dependant on enough pure-Mac-OS holdouts continuing to buy MacOS. If
Apple gets insanely lucky, everyone will buy Rhapsody next fall (and new
machines to go with it) because it will be so insanely great they'll feel
there's no choice. :-) At that point, they'd probably be justified in pulling
the plug, but I don't see that happening, nor do they. (There are probably
*still* System 6.8 holdouts...)