Subject: Re: Connecting UPS to a mac....
To: None <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/12/1997 12:20:05
> On Thu, 12 Jun 1997 10:29:02 -0700,
> (Henry B. Hotz) wrote:
> >
> > First the "official" answer: The interface uses RS-232 voltage levels,
> > therefore valid states are between 3-25 volts + or -. Between -3V and +3V
> > is undefined.
> Um, don't Macs use RS-422 for their serial ports instead of RS-232?
> RS-422 signals are differential but IIRC, only RD and TD signals are
> actually differential and the rest are single-ended in Mac's serial
> ports. For the rest, the negative pins of diff. receivers are simply
> grounded and only the positive pins are used.
> Am I wrong?
You are correct.
No one's fully sure what the low-difference behavior of the input
buffers is, though.
Take care,