Subject: Re: Netatalk: I give up....
To: Bill Studenmund <>
From: Jesse Swensen <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/13/1997 20:15:45
At 4:45 PM -0700 6/13/97, Bill Studenmund wrote:
>Oh, I just found the problem. Do an ls, not an ls -l. You'll need
>to do it with ftp, manually.
I am using Fetch on the Mac and it uses ls not ls -l. Would you be so kind
as to just e-mail me the file? (privately beings the whole list does not
need it)
Jesse Swensen 111 Vashon CT. (919) 481-3480 (home) Cary, NC 27513 (919) 481-3363 (FAX)
"Intel Inside" The worlds most used warning label.