Subject: Re: ethernet problem
To: Brad Salai <>
From: Ben Hockenhull <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/18/1997 14:36:38
> ae0 at nubus0: address 00:40:10:00:61:61, type Ethernet A-Series, 32KB memory
> ae0: length does not match next packet pointer
> ae0: len 0000 nlen ff00 start 0c first 00 curr d1 next 00 stop 80
> ae0: NIC memory corrupt - invalid packet length 65280
> The NIC seems to work ok, but I'm bothered by whatever it is that changed
> to produce this error.
Some time back, my SE/30 running 1.1 used to produce the same error from
time to time. I don't recall what triggered the error, but I seem to
remember that a full power-off and reboot would eliminate the error
I never did notice any problems that resulted from the NIC memory corrupt
error, so I didn't worry about it too much.
I was using an Asante SE/30-type NIC and the machine was rather busy.