Subject: Startup problem...
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Peter Abrahamsen <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/22/1997 17:44:18
I recently installed netbsd (1.2.1, I believe, and a pretty recent kernel)
on my iisi (fpu, 16mb RAM). It works fine, starts up, etc etc, but I have a
problem. You see, whenever I run ps (with no command options or anything), it
says this:
ps: proc size mismatch (8568 total, 648 chunks)
any idea what could be the problem? I think it does this, even before running
any commands... oh, and also, where might I get pico? vi is driving me INSANE
I forgot to send the above yesterday, and now I have a new problem...
When I start up, it kicks me out with the following:
pdma in: cnt = 118267904 (0x70ca000) (pending cnt 8192)
Panic: Something is wrong
Stopped at _debugger+0x6 : unlk a6
Thanks in advance...
? *************** ?
? peter abrahamsen - S E A R A B - ?
? Seattle, WA, USA *************** ?
? Really don't mind ?
? If you sit this one out. ?
? My words but a whisper, ?
? Your deafness a Shout. ?