Subject: Re: Color X
To: synapse <>
From: Michael R Zucca <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/04/1997 22:39:55
> i haven't been able to access my other mailbox for a few weeks, can
> someone privately mail the status of color X on internal video to me? i do
> not have this address subscribed to the mailing list.

The basic status is: I'm still working on it. I know it's going horribly
slow but grad work has taken precidence over NetBSD development lately.
More of a bad set of circumstances. I wanted to put something out a few
weeks ago but I took an intense 5 week java course and I still have to
complete a project involving visible surface determination.

However, I haven't forgotten about intvid, it's just slow going. In fact,
recently I found out a little more about how the DAFB works. I think I've
found the mode and resolution switching addresses. It's just a matter of
figuring out the right values to plug in. I already know how the DAFB
CLUT works but I'm having a little trouble finding the base address.
The IIvx code is looking solid and I'm confident about the IIsi code.
I've got the IIvx code converted to my intvid driver plug-in model but
I haven't had time to convert the iv driver to the plug-in model.
Bottom line: there's still more to do. 

All I need is a solid week to compile and test and I can toss out test
kernels. The quarter's over at RIT August 15th and sometime during my vacation
I want to do some kernel hacking. If I have time before then you can be sure
that there will be much fanfare when I release the first test kernel.

The best I can say is keep hanging in there. It will be worth the wait.

Thanks for your patience.