Subject: Re: Serial console problems...
To: Bill Studenmund <>
From: Armen Babikyan <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/05/1997 19:41:37
At 3:13 PM -0700 7/5/97, Bill Studenmund wrote:
>> > I don't recomend 57600 for serious data
>> >transfer in. 38400 seems ok.
>> I wouldn't even use 38400...the transfers screw up at or around 9600, even.
>> 2400 baud seems very stable, as far as i can tell. slightly more errors
>> when i get to 9600, but over 19200 pushes the limit on the number of errors
>> you can stand :-\
>> running ppp over the device is something else, but the getty driver can't
>> handle it. (from my experience, anyway, like trying to use slirp or zmodem
>> file xfers)
>Strange. I must admit that I use ppp whenever I care about transfering
>data. I haven't used zmodem for about 18 months.
>What kind of Mac and kernel (ncrscsi vs sbc) are you using? Also, are
>you doing these transfers over a serial console, or just a serial
>session (as the console might get extraneous messages when there are
>problems, corrupting the data stream).
I use GENERIC#1 kernel. my mac is a performa 6205, and i used ZTerm running
over a generic printer cable between the printer ports of both the
machines. console was always on internal video, i never changed that (I do
get lots of getty overrun messages in syslog during the transfer attempts,
though :-). Also, i used the sz/rz source found in the gnu archives at or
I tried this method at a bunch of different speeds, 57600 being the first,
I tried text files and other binary files (though I don't think it makes a
difference-?), and then I reduced speeds, trying to look for something more
I switched my getty back to 57600, though, because the text appears very
quickly, significantly faster than 2400 speed. although sending files over
the connection is a bad idea, using a few commands intermittently, like
"ls" and "ps -auxw" shows fast screen speed, which doesn't seem "corrupted".
To fix all this, I thought about using an ethernet connection between the
macs. I was really bummed out when I found i had to look for an obnoxious
ethernet card for my 6205 - a "COMM" slot card. They cost $100+, and I
(personally) disapprove of apple making this slot in computers, even if it
was designed for newbies. maybe other companies were looking for more ways
of making money, namely making cards for some obscure slot found in the
performa series. nubus ethernet cards run very cheap, maybe $15-$20.
Spending $100 for something that does the same thing seems rather stupid.
Well, that's what you get for buying a performa, I guess.
- a