Subject: Re: Trouble with kernel compile
To: Jason Greanya <>
From: Colin Wood <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/10/1997 15:39:09
Jason Greanya wrote:

> my problem is the config program doesn't understand the "defopt" keyword
> used in at least two of the config files; it quits with a syntax error.
> I've tried various things like changing defopt to define or options, etc,
> or commenting certain ones out because of redundancy.
> Also, the path for config seems to be screwed up.  The config files seem
> to assume that I'll be running things from the sys directory, as all
> of the pathways begin in relation to there, but config assumes the
> arch/mac68k/conf directory which the readme recommends (now the readme is
> 3 years old, so this might've changed).

With only one or two exceptions, the kernel-building howto is still pretty

> So a couple of questions:
> Am I running the wrong version of config?  I checked some of the older
> CHANGES files and "defopt" seems to be a pretty old keyword, so I figured
> that the 1.2.1 install would handle it.

As Ken said in another message, yes, get the latest config.  Contrary to
popular belief, just because 1.2.1 is only a few months old does not mean
it's closer to -current.  In fact, it's basically the same as 1.2.

> Should I place the kernel sources in another directory?  I'm not sure 
> what's
> causing the directory problems.

I'm sure your directory is probably fine.  Just rebuild make and config,
or else upgrade your _entire_ system with a current binary snapshot.  This
usually works a little better than trying to run -current kernels with
_old_ binaries.

I hope this helps some.

