Subject: Re: a few binaries
To: synapse <>
From: Kazuyoshi Kato <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/15/1997 23:48:36
Please don't flame me, even though it is _so_ delayed response. :-)
> hello,
> i was attempting to compile fvwm, and was missing an include, xpm.h. i
> found this file nowhere on my hard drive. can anyone send me the file, or
> the fvwm binary if they have one? i'd rather have a URL to one, actually.
> isn't xpm.h part of motif? i don't have that, nor am i going to buy it. is
> passing around this include file a bad thing?
I complied fvwm-1.24r(as far as I know, this is THE last 1.x release)
and xpm library(required for fvwm) without any problem on my MacBSD. As
far as I remember(it was long time ago!), you need to patch several
patches onto both(just change several defines for directory paths, and
config.h or configure.h manually, I remember) which I got at FreeBSD
I will send you them, binaries or/and patched sources via e-mail, if
you still need them.