Subject: Upgraded RAM, how do I upgrade swap?
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Andy Sinesio <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/23/1997 13:41:30
Hey all.
I have a Quadra 700 running NetBSD (almost -current) and I just upgraded
the RAM from 8 megs to 36 megs.
Needless to say, it is much much faster.
When I originally formatted my hard drive, (410 meg seagate), i made a 30
meg swap (for 8 megs ram), a 35 meg UNIX_SVR2 (or something) partition, a
5 meg mac partition, and the rest was a Root&Usr partition.
I did not run mkfs on the UNIX_SVR2 partition before (or at least I don't
remember doing so).
I want to make the UNIX_SVR2 a swap partition, because now I have more
real RAM than swap (36 megs vs 30). I tried deleting the UNIX_SVR2
partition and making it a Swap slice 1, but Silverlining wouldn't let me
do it without initializing the disk (something I do NOT want to do).
Any ideas on how I can make the 35 meg partition a swap partition,
without losing the data that's on the Root&Usr partition? I don't care
about the other partitions that much.
Andy Sinesio