, "port-mac68k <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Bob Nestor <rnestor@metronet.com>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/23/1997 20:25:52
>My replacement IBM drive came today (only two days after I called them; I
>am _quite_ impressed with IBM :), so I set about reinstalling netbsd... I
>used Alliance Power Tools to partition the thing, 20 meg A/UX root, 72 meg
>A/UX swap, 1024 meg A/UX usr, and 1070 meg HFS. When I started up mkfs
>1.43, it only showed me the root, swap, and HFS partitions. I deleted the
>HFS partition and reran mkfs, and it showed me root, swap, and a free
>partition. Still no usr. Recreating the HFS partition, then deleting the
>usr one made mkfs show root, swap, and HFS once again. I also tried
>deleting both the usr and HFS partitions, then making a 2 gig usr
>partition; mkfs finally showed root, swap, and usr. Unfortunately, I want
>an HFS partition :)
Try creating all MacOS partitions of the sizes you want. THen use Mkfs
to convert them into BSD partitions of the type you need. I suspect that
the only partition Mkfs won't see will be the last one on the volume when
you do it this way. If that doesn't work, let me know and I'll try and
put together a debug version of Mkfs so we can find out what's going on.