Subject: Re: mac68k on LC520 setup
To: Andy <>
From: Josh Hope <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/24/1997 20:00:40
Uhm...NetBSD already supports FPU emulation...and has for a while now :)
On Thu, 24 Jul 1997, Andy wrote:
> >My LC520 Specs:
> >cpu:68LC030
> >fpu:none
> >RAM:20mb (4mb soldierd on board, and a single 16mb SIMM module, which is
> >the only non-stock component)
> >HD:160mb SCSI Quantum (only 2mb for Mac, about 140 for root and usr and
> >the rest for swap)
> >mouse:apple adb mouse
> >keyboard:apple std keyboad
> Uhm, was there ever a 68LC030? I thought there were only 68LC040's.
> LC means no FPU, which means you're out of luck even if you get stuff
> working, because most unix programs require the use of an FPU.
> So, if you do not have an FPU, I would recommend running MacOS until the
> netbsd port-dudes get fpu emulation working. That way you won't be
> wasting your time with a BSD system that can't do much at all.
> Andy Sinesio