Subject: Re: Arena
To: None <, port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Brad Salai <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/25/1997 15:27:54
At 1:19 PM -0500 7/25/97, @-- ReeD ->- wrote:
>On Fri, 25 Jul 1997, Josh Hope wrote:
>> Again, the docs of Mosaic said it needs Motif to run...are they incorrect
>> or is that merely a recommendation?
>> Also, nope...I don't run color mode, anyways :)
>As far as I know, Mosaic 2.7 for amiga will run without motif... I
>believe that Mosaic _does_ require color mode though, which is why I
>never succesfully had it running on my IIsi.. Of course, now my monitor
>died, so, I'm in the dark so to speak (haha :P) :)
I used to use the amiga binaries, and they worked fine. You only need motif
to compile from sources.
Mosaic kind of sucks compared with modern browsers, though. It would be
great if there were a relatively recent netscape binary.


Stephen B. Salai                            Phone (716) 325-5553
Cumpston & Shaw                             Fax    (716) 262-3906
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Rochester, NY 14614