Subject: Re: MySQL and mit-phreads
To: Antony Chen <>
From: Steve Quint <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/25/1997 12:35:55
At 2:27 -0700 7/25/97, Antony Chen wrote:
>Anyone ever compile MySQL on their box? If so, how did you get the
>MIT-Pthreads part to compile? It's got several parts where it wants
>some pretty intimate descriptions of the Mac hardware..all machine
>dependent stuff so I was totally lost. If anyone has any clue what I'm
>talking about, I'd love to get this ported over.
I have attempted to compile MySQL and noticed that a machine dependent file
is actually missing from the MIT-Pthreads package. I've written the person
in charge of this package and never received a responds.
I don't remember the name of the missing file, but it was in a directory
where there are machine dependent files in pairs. (i.e. x86.something,
x86.somethingelse). One of the pairs for m68k is missing.