Subject: Re: System 7.0.1 vs. NetBSD/mac68k
To: Michael G. Schabert <>
From: Eric C Wagner <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/30/1997 13:25:34
Actually the System 7.0.1 installer supports installing on a HD floppy. It
only takes up about 1meg so there is room for the booter. This is what
I've been using with a IIci and its been working fine.

Eric Wagner                               Phone : 313-647-5525
1962 Cooley Building                      Fax   : 313-763-4540
University of Michigan                    E-Mail:
Ann Arbor, MI 48109                       WWW   :

Quote of the day:  Do not take life too seriously; you will never get out if it alive.
On Tue, 29 Jul 1997, Michael G. Schabert wrote:

> >If you'd like to set up a minimal (and fast booting!) Mac environment to
> >boot NetBSD, here's one possibility.  The requirements:
> >
> > - Your system must have 32-bit clean ROMs.  Some systems that do not
> >   are the Macintosh II, IIx, and IIcx models; the `Enable' button for
> >   32-bit addressing cannot be selected if this is the case.
> > - Your system must be supported by System 7.0 (a fair indicator
> >   that it will -not- run 7.0 is that your machine was shipped with
> >   a later version installed).
> > - Either (8) 800K floppies, or enough RAM to use a utility to mount
> >   the disk images and run the Installer.
> >
> >System Software 7.0.1 is available for download from the Apple FTP sites.
> >No special instructions are necessary beyond what is outlined in the
> >INSTALL document.  You'll need approximately 10MB of disk to do the Easy
> >Install; less if you do a Custom Install, but make sure you don't choose
> >the `Minimum system' option.
> >
> >For reference, I tested with Booter 1.10, Mkfs 1.44, and Installer 1.1e.
> Actually, Apple supplies disks that will boot any Mac ever made. Look
> around on Apple for something called Network Access Disk (NAD). It is a
> system 7.5 boot disk image that contains everything needed to connect to a
> network (EtherNet or LocalTalk). You can use this the same way as the 7.0.1
> you found.
> The URL is:
> <
>   Macintosh/Utilities/Network_Access_Disk_7.5.sea.hqx>
> Mike
> PS my Quadra 840AV is one of only about 5 Mac68k computers that cannot boot
> with System 7.0.
> Bikers don't *DO* taglines.