Subject: shutdown -r
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: xiamin <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/07/1997 04:45:20
This has been happening for a while now, but I've just gotten around to 
writting about it.
On my Q650, running MADHATTER #40, whenever I shutdown -r, instead of 
coming up with the normal grey screen after shutting down, the screen 
remains black. Then it plays a little song. I think the song is maybe six 
notes long,is this the chimes of doom? It's sort of annoying, because I 
have to do a full shutdown....Though, I suppose byscrewing in the power 
switch as suggested, I could shutdown -h, and still come back up, maybe. 
Rebooting from MacOS works fine.