Subject: Lesstif-0.79 configure needs Xt?
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: brian wildasinn <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/12/1997 19:50:25
Does anyone know if x-windows is included in the current snapshots? i've
060197 as well as the Xbase, Xcomp, & Xserver tar files listed in Colin
faq (9.1 "Now I've got NetBSD working, so where do i get X?") which says
the X window system is now included as part of the NetBSD 1.2
distribution. If it is included, does "Xt" refer to the X11R6 or 5
versions of x-windows, or just what is Xt? I've seen a library in
/usr/X11R6/lib with an Xt in its filename description.

I'm trying to configure lesstif-0.79, but it stops with:
./configure --with-shared --enable-build-CDE
checking Xt Revision Number 6 ... no
checking Xt Revision Number 5 ... no
configure: error: you must have X11 Revision 5 or higher to compile

Yes, i've read the INSTALL and readme files and configure files.

Any help is appreciated!
Sincerely...brian w.