Subject: Re: new drive.
To: Armen Babikyan <>
From: Colin Wood <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/18/1997 16:23:26
Armen Babikyan wrote:

> i went out and bought myself a nice quantum lightning 730 for my Powermac
> so i can sacrifice my quantum 270 for my NetBSD system. :-)
> (no, seriously, i needed the space on my Mac)
> i have a NetBSD/mac68k system already on my IIvx, with an identical quantum
> 270MB drive mounted as /.
> anyway, i figured i'd initialize the drive and everything and ran across no
> problems. i was told to partition after formatting. i had the options of
> A/UX 2.0 root, user1, user2, and user3. i figured since this was not going
> to be the root partition, and there were no other NetBSD mounted disks, i'd
> partitions using user1.
> I did that. and then anubis told me that i should use A/UX to format the
> partition.
> well, how exactly do i do that?

All of this is in the FAQ, but here it goes anyway....

1) Get a copy of some disk formatting program that will format your hard
2) Using the formatter, set up the partition sizes and order however you
want them.  Use either HFS or Apple_Free type partitions.
3) Unmount your newly created HFS partitions (if you used Apple_Free
instead, there's nothing to unmount).
4) Get a copy of the latest version of Mkfs (1.45?) and use it to convert
your partitions to the types of partitions that NetBSD can read.  If you
don't need new root partitions, there is a NetBSD Usr type partition.
5) Once you've converted the partition types, run Mkfs to create new
filesystems on your new partitions.

That's it.  You're pretty much done at this point.

> i want to mount this drive as /users, since it's getting exceissively
> large. i realize that i may temporarily want to change /users to /users2 or
> soemthing then mv /users2/* /users/ .
> how do i format this partition?

See above....use a 'NetBSD Usr' type partition.

> are there any other utilities i should use to format this drive? it's a
> quantum drive but i don't know where to get the hacked HD SC Setup that
> lets you use non-apple drives.

This is discussed rather extensively in the FAQ, too.

> caveats and other info are certainly welcome. either before or after i've
> screwed up. :-)

Once again, it's all in the FAQ ;-)  If anybody finds something that he or
she thinks is unclear in all the q&a's devoted to setup, please let me
know, and I'll do my best to clarify.


Colin Wood                       
Component Design Engineer - MD6                 Intel Corporation
I speak only on my own behalf, not for my employer.