Subject: The Outcome of My Last Few Posts
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Josh Hope <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/19/1997 06:27:18
I am writing this letter regretably from the Mac OS, because...well, it's
a long story.
I was going out of dt, so I could login with another username besides
root. I hadn't logged out of the system at all ever since I re-installed
everything after formatting the drives.
Anyways, I logout of all dt consoles, then I type exit from my main
console...and it just sat there...
I waited about 10 minutes, nothing happened. I tried ^C, ^Z,
etc...(banged the keyboard out of frustration ;)) no ado!
So, I hit the restart button...
I then booted into single user, and ran fsck -p. It showed a few errors,
which I was expecting. It fixed them all up and marked the file systems
clean. I then attempted a reboot -n...result: Bad system call. I sorta
paniced there, because I got those a lot when in single user on
OpenBSD...without thinking, I tried exiting single user. Then, the
console just stayed there. Just like before, nothing happened after
exiting out of single user...
So, I think...maybe my tty's were corrupted or something. I boot into Mac
OS and re-build the tty's using Installer (1.0e, might I add)...
Then I boot again. I pop into single user, do an fsck -p (no file systems
were corrupt), then I exit'ed from single user. Immediately after
exiting, I got a "Bad system call". I'm not sure what program caused it,
since its name was not displayed, but it was immediately after exiting
single user...
The rest of the boot went just as expected. Until it changed security
level from 1 to 0 (or is it 0 to 1? I forget)...
It then just sat there, and started displaying these messages:
init: getty repeating too quickly on port /dev/ttye0, sleeping
I then hit the trusty interrupt switch and did a trace just for the heck
of it, and these are the results (in case they help someone help me):
_Debugger(d51ba,b2806,7cfeac,32be,3911) + 6
_nmihand(3911,915004,6000,400c000,6b5c200) + 26
_vm_page_activate(182e80) + 12
_vm_fault(6b5c200,400c000,1,0) + bcc
_trap(8,402a249,400cb36) + 4b4
_addrerr() + e8
I've been using the same kernel for months and months and months, without
one single hitch at all. Why does it screw up now?
Anyways, to summarize what I did the past week...
I was in contact via e-mail with the port maintainer of OpenBSD/mac68k.
He informed me that it was realtively safe to install OpenBSD over my
existing NetBSD system. I went ahead and downloaded the binaries and
kernel. I then installed them...
Upon booting, after detecting my 3 SCSI devices (on 0 internal HD, on 1
SyQuest EZ, on 3 internal CD with nothing in it), it started filling my
screen with parity errors...
Anyways, I then stuck in my NetBSD GENERICSBC #26 kernel and tried to
boot OpenBSD with that (stupid? maybe...)
That got me to single user, but with every command I made I got "bad
system call" errors...
I just ran mkfs on the Mac side on both my partitions (a 140MB /usr
partition on my internal drive, and a 100MB / partition on my EZ drive),
then re-installed all the NetBSD binaries and my trusty GENERICSBC #26
Now, earlier today, I did install the base.tar.gz package from Steve's
binaries. After installing this, I got the thing where telnetting into my
system caused the connection to be immediately closed...
So, now I am left not knowing what I should do. Any suggestions or help
would be greatly appreciated...
And, I'm really hoping I don't have to re-format. I just got finished
compiling/installing the many programs I use! Just today! :/
Thank you all, and an apology for the long letter...