, "Colin Wood <cwood@ichips.intel.com>
From: Josh Hope <otaku@hick.com>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/19/1997 20:14:06
>This is almost always because there aren't enough pty's. Go to /dev and
>do a `sh MAKEDEV pty0' to create more.
But I have 11 pty's! And, I only had like 4 or 5 consoles open. On top of
that, I can't even log in via console now...
People were logging in quite well, then I installed Steve's binaries ;) I
didn't reboot or anything (did a cd /; tar --unlink -zxvf base.tar.gz).
So why should there be pty's, then after installing a new base package,
there are none? That's real strange...
And before that, users were getting "getcwd(): premission denied" errors
after telnetting in then logging in...
I didn't say this stuff in my previous e-mail, because I had mentioned it
in earlier e-mails...I guess I probably should've recapped :)
Thanks a lot Scott,