Subject: ethernet problems
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Armen Babikyan <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/21/1997 23:11:12
well, i finally got an ethernet card for my powermac!
but unfortunately, i can't get my powermac and IIvx to talk to each other,
so i'm going to try setting it up in NetBSD at least, on the IIvx.
when i installed nubus ethernet extensions, they must have done something
to my card, because i'm seeing wierd stuff now:
ae0 at nubus0: address 00:00:94:60:7b:a2, type MacCon NuBus-A , 32k mem.
ae0: length does not match next packet pointer
ae0: len 0000 nlen ff00 start 0c first 00 curr 06 next 00 stop 80
ae0: NIC memory corrupt - invalid packet length 65280
i don't quite understand why it says that...(could this be a good sign that
the mac software did install properly? :-)
- a
Armen Babikyan -
----<insert lame quote here>----