Subject: Re: LC/Performa 475 boots (serial console)
To: Jens Thordarson <>
From: John P. Wittkoski <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/28/1997 12:46:01
Jens Thordarson wrote:

> Mine too...but I have another question...
> Out of recent mailings it seems that a lot of people is using
> this some kind of coincidence?
> My machine (LCIII, 8MB RAM, 250MB disk, 68882 FPU) is not able to use any
> other kernel, it does boot up (sometimes) but crashes more or less after
> less than a minute, except when I use genericsbc-26 OR adbtest-160....I've
> tried most of the other kernels there are....madhatter, hwdirect, oldr AND
> newer generics, but I always get this stuff....there must be something
> wrong here?
> (Sorry if I'm repeating my self, but I've got the feeling I've sent this
> concern before with no aparent answers yet......)

I can't speak for GENERIC-26, but I know that ADBTEST-160 had an
early version of the intvidtest code (v0.4.1 to be exact), which 
allowed internal video support for several machines, including the

On the last HWDIRECT kernel (before 356) I tried to integrate this
old code into my new sources but the resulting kernel still did
not work on the LCIII. I did, however, have to make a few guesses
on how to integrate the code, as there had been many changes to the
kernel source since the diffs for the intvidtest code I had were 
made, so I may have done something wrong.

I know that Michael is still working on the intvidtest code, and 
when it is complete it will resolve many of these issues.
