Subject: Re: *sigh* Another quadra test kernel
To: Michael G. Schabert <>
From: Allen Briggs <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 09/04/1997 09:14:20
> It seems to work fine on my system :)


> One thing I noticed in the startup
> sequence is that with your kernel from a couple weeks ago when it looked
> for core dumps, it would say something like
> savecore: cannot find device 100/114
> followed by what looks like a log entry with the same message. With this
> kernel, it changes the numbers to 72/64. What exactly are those for, and
> are they important? What device are they looking for?

savecore is looking for a kernel crash dump.  It uses information based
on a kernel name of /netbsd and certain structures, etc. that were in
the /usr/include path when savecore was compiled.  If the structures,
etc. have changed size or if /netbsd is too different from the kernel
that was booted from, savecore will use the wrong device information for
where to find the crash dump.

If this sounds like the problem with ps, w, etc., it is.  :-)


              Allen Briggs - end killing -