Subject: Re: video/display problems
To: (Henry B. Hotz) <>
From: None <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 09/08/1997 21:15:52
On 17:50:33 wrote:
>>At 3:12 PM 9/8/97, wrote:
>Are you using an Apple-brand video cable?  There are some sense pins that
>must be set to inform the display drivers what resolutions are possible.
Well yes, since the cable is permanently attached to the monitor, and it is
an Apple ......

>Virtually every display driver ever made for a Mac should support this I
>would think.
Driver maybe, but my question is why doesn't it work at all with various 
video cards, including the builtin video output from the IIsi??  One would
think an Apple monitor should work on an Apple computer, right?  Since
it works on the IIci, and any other Apple video card I have here also.  Hmmm
wait a minute, thats not totally true!  There is one, really old, Apple HiRes
card with only 256K of memory on it, and it doesn't work on that either!
Later models of that same card are fine, and so is that one if I put in more
memory (I know, cause I took it out to put it on another later card that had
only one bank).  Thing is, that later card worked fine, but only 16 colors
until I put the second bank in.  But this one doesn't work at all now
with that monitor with only one bank full.
