Subject: Re: port-mac68k-digest V1 #185
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Nicholas Riley <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 09/16/1997 07:39:46
On 16/9/97 at 1:05 AM -0400, "Michael G. Schabert"
<> wrote:

> I'm afraid that this is not precedent. Faxes take up phone lines and paper,
> and cost money. If you're receiving your email, you're voluntarily using up
> your phone line, and a UCE is only taking up about 2 seconds of it on a
> 9600 modem. Most users are on unlimited-time accounts and don't pay for
> time online. They're available in the whole US, so there's not much need
> for pay accounts unless you have extremely small online requirements. Some
> argue that foreign countries are not so blessed. Well, as unfair as it
> sounds, that's tough, since US laws cannot be enacted to serve just foreign
> users.

UCE takes up Internet bandwidth and costs ISPs money. For example, from my
ISP's newsgroup yesterday:

"Cyberpromo launched about 300,000 emails before I was able to
bust them. The machine is flushing. It's going to be fast
outbound, and slow coming in for a bit."

This didn't end up happening as expected - mail was down in some form or
other for over 4 hours at my ISP. This time could have better been used
helping users instead of fighting spammers - who do deserve to pay for the
problems they cause.

Nicholas Riley ________ <>
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