Subject: Ghostscript - HELP!!!
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 09/23/1997 09:26:42
OK, I wouldn't post this twice, but I've wasted DAYS on this now, and
I just can't get it to work right. PLEASE somebody help.
I've been trying to get Ghostscript to display ANYTHING at all under X,
or to create a valid .pbm file that I could send to the StyleWriter
printer driver. All it does it print out blank screens under X, and
blank pages on the StyleWriter.
I've tried everything I can think of. I have a PowerBook160 with no
FPU, so I downloaded the source and recompiled it with out FPU
support (I think. I set an FPU something or other variable to -1 in a
makefile that I think did the trick there. Ghostscript's compilation
system is a mess compared to GNU's configure scripts.). Even with
GS's own FPU emulation code (which it inserts instead of using FPU
instructions), I still got the same blank screen I got using the
pre-compiled binaries.
I can't get Ghostscript to work, and I can't print without Ghostscript.
This is a very sad state of affairs, and it's even worse when I think
of the 3 days or so I've totally wasted on this . . . :(.
I posted about this a few days ago, and only one person responded. Doesn't
anyone have any experience with anything like this?
Please help out, I could really use it this time.
P.S. The rest of my set-up is a standard 1.2.1 NetBSD distribution, with
a custom built power-manager kernel from Takashi, built in January '97.
None of the newer kernels will boot on my PB. I've tried them all, right
up to GENERIC-42.