Subject: strike that, reverse it
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Ethan Gold <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 09/28/1997 03:02:38
I've now fiddled around with the visuals in 16bpp mode (sorry, it's late,
can't think straight), and have encountered the reverse behavior from what
I described in my last message. now I can get the colors right, but the 1/2
screen problem won't go away. using visual 2 in 16bpp mode gives the right
colormap, but you can't tell 'cause everything's squished into half the
space. an xwd reveals the correct colors, however. soooo..... is that an
easy fix? kill the screen spreading/squishing?
and now to bed 'fore I generate any more mail.


| Ethan Gold, Vassar College class of '97           |
|                 |
| UGS Research Assistant                            |
| Nonproliferation and International Security       |
| Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM    |