Subject: Re: Booting a new Mac
To: Christopher R. Bowman <>
From: Michael R Zucca <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/07/1997 00:42:58
> I have had a similar experience with a Quadra 660av. I have not as yet
> had time to swap my asante ethernet card back into my IIci to verify
> that the board hasn't gone bad, but I have had my machine stop just
> after the enet card identification. I have also not as yet had an
> oportunity to examin etht source so as to find the precise location of
> stoppage, but I have a feeling that it is going to be related to
> turning on nubus interrupts.
Well, Allen brought up a good point in private e-mail. We may not be
handling clearing video interrupts properly on the AV's. Luckily
some info I have might remedy this problem and I've shared it
it Allen.