Subject: evil mkfs
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Peter Abrahamsen <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/08/1997 18:27:31
I had netbsd installed on my iisi a few months ago, but decided to reformat
the drive and start from scratch as it was all out of date anyway. I
downloaded the up-to-date-as-of-saturday binaries, and the current mkfs and
Installer 1.1f.
I partitioned the drive as follows (although I've tried just about every
combination possible, both UNIX and HFS):
(macos partition information thingies omitted. drive size=730mb, approx)
1. 250mb Linux/ppc root
2. 250mb Netbsd root
3. 150mb Netbsd user (to be cross-port user, but that's later...)
4. 65mb swap
I turn all extensions off, or on, zip drive on, or drive isolated (save the
internal); just about any combination. I always get te following:
modesense of current parameters page 4(3)
get_deviceinfo: error on scsiread(), #5, retry 0
(something to the effect of "ignoring")
Num heads 4
Num Cylindars (sp?) = 3058
modesense of current parameters page 3(3)
Bytes_sector is 512
Sectors per track is 128
Partition Read, SCSIID=3
(It then says something about it not remembering any errors, but failed
Does anyone know what could be wrong? The drive is an APS external on id 3, as
mentioned above, with the internal on id 1, and termination is fine. I am
using a slightly old 5.6.something driver.
Also, I am interested in what people have to say in regaurd to having two
unix-based systems on the same drive (which is taken between two machines).
Can I use the same swap with netbsd and linux/ppc (monolithic)? Can I
cross-compile, and how hard is it?

Thankyou for your ever prompt responses, and your time,


PS: I'm running macos 7.5.5, and the iisi has an FPU and MMU, etc
PPS: I have changed very little since my last installation, so it can't be
anything too big.
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