Subject: Re: Help - Getting started (again!)
To: None <>
From: Colin Wood <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/19/1997 14:02:31
Dave Thurstan wrote:
> Can anybody tell me whether the current kernel can support the DUO
> (210 - 280 ) yet ?
Probably not. I'm fairly sure that the ADB (i.e. keyboard and mouse) is
supported, but the onboard video still has some difficulties if I remember
correctly. You can always try a recent kernel and see, tho. There are
instructions in the FAQ for trying a kernel without actually installing
> Has support for the external DuoDock SCSI bus been achieved as yet ?
Definitely not, unless someone hasn't told everyone something.
> I remember somebody had made a start on this, but didn't have access
> to a Duo at the time. Has any further progress been made ?
Not that I've heard, but I don't remember who was working on it either.
> I would like to get external SCSI drives working on MacBSD on the DUO,
> but don't really know how to get properly started with it. I tried
> once before, but found circumstances prevented me from continuing
> before I'd got very far.
> Can anyone be of any help on this one ?
Perhaps the person working on Duo Dock support will be reading this and
chime in?
Colin Wood
Component Design Engineer - MD6 Intel Corporation
I speak only on my own behalf, not for my employer.