Subject: Re: Re_Thanks...
To: None <>
From: Michael R Zucca <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/21/1997 10:15:52
> I will be glad to try NetBSD 1.3 alpha and beta. I have a Quadra 700
> with 20M Ram. How about onboard color video support? Thanx!

You'll be happy to know I'm working on color video support for the
Quadras. Developing the driver is tricky, though. Good example:
I got color X to come up in a test run the other day but the
screen started somewhere on the right hand side and wrapped
around to the other side. So I still have some bugs to work out :)

Be patient. We will eventually have color support for most desktop
Macs (and for everybody else sometime later in the future).