Subject: Re: Simple one
To: Michael R Zucca <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/31/1997 10:12:48
> > PC. Well... I wanna change the colours of the screen. I want a black 
> > screen
> > with white text. It's better for me. How can I do that?
> Grab a copy of the program "dt". It is a replacement for the console
> that you can compile to do white text on a black background. It also
> has many other nice features such as multiple consoles, mouse cut
> and paste, and scroll-back. You can pick it up by rooting around on

Definitly! I've now got a IIsi and a Pentium 100. The P100  runs circles
around the IIsi, but I usually end up using dt for logging in (and then
rlogin over to the P100).

> > I have the 1.2.1 packages and I'm too lazy (and I don't have the
> > money to pay the phone bill) to download the current packages. Is there a 
> > big
> > difference between 1.2.1 and 1.3? Or is it just the kernel?
> There is a *huge* difference besides just the "kernel" between 1.2 and 1.3.
> MacBSD is still an evolving entity and we add support for more hardware
> almost on a daily basis so getting the latest stuff is good. However, to
> use the latest kernel you need the latest binary packages so I'm afraid
> you're going to have to spend the extra pennies to do that.

Michael's right. One way to look at it is that 1.2 came out 18 months ago,
and so lacks a LOT of improvements! But you can get dt up now, and
get 1.3 in a bit (after you've paid off downloading 1.2 :-)

Take care,
