Subject: Re: AT&T DSP3210 support?
To: None <>
From: Michael R Zucca <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/04/1997 10:47:42
> I'm interesting to participate in developing DSP3210 support for
> NetBSD. I able to programm it under MacOS. I've got a PhotoEngine card
> too, with 4 DSP3210 which i'd like to use in other applications.
> Thanks for giving me the list of interested persons.
Well, you'll need to be proficient in DSP assembly and you'll need to
see if there is a free compiler for it. You'll also need to figure out
how to add a new device to the kernel and how to do the memory mapping.
Though adding a device that simply has two calls to map and unmap memory
is fairly trivial. A good start might be the primitive video drivers
we have in the kernel source right now.
The free compiler is going to be a serious hitch I think and you'll also
need to be able to write a good scheduler for the DSP so break out that
real-time systems book :) A good place to start might be the QNX style
scheduler that was recently released for Linux (check out the linux-pmac
mailing list archives. There's a pointer to the source there).
Finally, you will have to spend time locating the DSP in the AV's device
space. Devices on the AV lie in the range between 0x50000000-0x5FFFFFFF
and a good place to start is probably the DSP driver.
Once you've got all that stuff as a base you can start doing something.
Good luck!