Subject: Re: Q840 ethernet performance?
To: Dave Huang <>
From: Michael G. Schabert <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/04/1997 18:02:58
Hi all,
I was running DH's MACE kernel just fine on my Q840 AV (but not on an
Ethernet network, I just wanted to check out the kernel's behaviour) for a
couple days. Then I did a normal shutdown -r now to use the MacOS for a
bit. When I booted into un*x again, after it completed just about
everything & was going to give me a login: prompt, it started scrolling:
psc_lev4_noint: device 2
This just kept scrolling & scrolling. I did a <cmd><pwr> to break into the
debugger. I tried to reboot from there & it froze (wouldn't even let me
back into the debugger). After I did a <cmd><ctrl><pwr> reboot, I tried
booting into un*x again with the same results. I tried booting
single-user, then commenting out the end of rc.local, but it still did
that upon exit. I re-installed a 1.3_alpha GENERIC & everything's been
hunky-dorey since :). While I'm glad a simple kernel install fixed it,
does anyone know what might have caused it?
Thanks in advance,