Subject: Re: Problems with 1.3-ALPHA
To: Scott Reynolds <>
From: Mark Andres <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/05/1997 09:36:22
On Tue, 4 Nov 1997, Scott Reynolds wrote:
> you're pretty well sunk, as far as shutting down gracefully.
So I have learned.
> what you'll need to do is to make sure you've waited at least 10 minutes
> (hopefully update(8) is still running... it should be) to sync the disks.
> if you're lucky enough to have DDB in the kernel, hit the programmers'
> switch (the one on the ... right, in the lower left corner of the front
> panel) and type `call cpu_reboot' and press ENTER. if not, just hit the
> left hand switch to reset the system.
I had to do a hard reset. I booted single-user, ran fsck, etc. Everything
seems to be OK now. I just finished installing the entire snapshot.
> from the mac os, download and unpack the kernel to the same folder as the
> booter, then set the booter to boot from mac os. make sure you specify
> the name of the kernel, too. :-) this should get you working well enough
> to recover.
And use MacOS. Eeww! I do everything in NetBSD so I downloaded the
snapshot in NetBSD and kernels in NetBSD, not MacOS. I don't even have
MacTCP installed on the MacOS partition.
For those people who have forsaken MacOS completely in favor of NetBSD
(like me), here is the steps needed to upgrade to 1.3-ALPHA.
1) Backup all important data !!!
2) Download the snapshot files you want from
I usually add the .tar.gz on the end when using ftp like this:
ftp> get base base.tar.gz
3) Download a kernel from
4) Install the 1.3-ALPHA kernel. As root, do the following:
cd /
mv netbsd netbsd.old
tar -zxvpf GENERIC-47.tar.gz
5) Reboot into single user. Run fsck and then mount all partitions
read/write. Usually 'mount -a' should do the trick.
6) Install the snapshot binaries. Use the --unlink switch in tar. For
tar --unlink -zxvpf base.tar.gz
7) Exit from single-user mode and it should continue to boot into
multi-user mode.
Note #1: All tar commands above assume that the tarfiles are in /. If
they are not, you need to specify the path such as
tar --unlink -zxvpf /path/to/file/base.tar.gz
Note #2: You will probably want to untar the etc.tar.gz file into /tmp
first. Then manually copy over the files that you want to install leaving
the leaving things like /etc/passwd intact.
Mark Andres E-mail:
Running NetBSD, 100% Microsoft Free!
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