Subject: New Booter (beta) on Puma
To: Dave Huang <>
From: None <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/10/1997 17:34:55
	There is a new version of the Booter on Puma in:

	This one fixes the bug Dave Huang found in b5 (corrupted prefs
file when Booting without saving first), and one I found (where using
"Log to file" would fail if the "Set" button wasn't used first).

	If folk have some time to do some testing for me, that would be
great. The only other change I am _planning_ to make before 1.3 is to
update the "partition name" stuff in the BooterManual.

| Nigel Pearson, |"People say I'm strange, does it  |
|  Telstra IN Platforms, Sydney, Aust.  | make me a stranger?              |
| Office: 9206 3468    Fax:  9212 6329  | My best friend was born ...      |
| Mobile: 014 611 322  Home: 9579 3293  | in a manger" Jesus Freak, DC Talk|