Subject: Re: telnet/ftp access question
To: DJ Lo-Ki <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/10/1997 20:43:43
> I partitioned the drive into a 25MB mac partition (minimal system folder
> and install files) and a 20MB Swap partition and the rest into a root/usr
> AUX partition.
> I used mkfs to make a root/user partition, andthen used the installer to
> install the complete package. then I selected "Build Devices" and when it
> was done, rebooted.
> I set up an acct for myself and then sat down to the task of getting it
> on the network at my job (large corporate ethernet network) I gave it an
> IP address, set up the DNS and routing info in the /etc directory
> following the online instructions. all seemed well.
> next I set up the localhost with "ifconfig localhost inet lo0"
> also my ethernet card with "ifconfig inet ae0 <my machine's ip> netmask
> and "add route default <router ip>"
> now, at first I was able to get telnet in (with any valid username) and
> ftp in (but only using the acct toor, because root is blocked out and for
> some reason it wouldn't let me in with my normal login), but after
> re-boot I was unable to get back in, even after re ifconfiging everything.
You are using tcsh, I bet. Add it (or whatever your shell is) to /etc/shells.
> now when I boot I get this message...
> "starting network
> ifconfig:net: bad value
> add host bsdbox: gateway localhost
> writing to routing socket: Network is unreachable
> add net default: gateway <router ip#>: Network is unreachable"
What did you put in /etc/hostname.ae0 ?
As an aside, in 1.3, which ships in about a month, /etc/hostname.XXX
goes away, replaced by /etc/ifconfig.XXX which HAS A DIFFERENT FORMAT.
Take care,