Subject: Re: RAM and memory
To: SamMaEl <>
From: Brad Salai <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/12/1997 17:31:18
At 5:59 AM -0800 11/12/97, SamMaEl wrote:
> Hmm... is there a way to see how much of your free RAM is being
>used at any given time under NetBSD? I am curious... because I want to
>know how much it takes for the system to start swapping memory out to the
>swap space... and wondering how urgent my need is for more RAM ;-) Thanks!
> - Ryan
There is a program called top that will do this for you.
Stephen B. Salai Phone (716) 325-5553
Cumpston & Shaw Fax (716) 262-3906
Two State Street email
Rochester, NY 14614