Subject: Unexpected phase change
To: Allen Briggs <>
From: Keith Parkins <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/13/1997 09:42:58
Regarding the unexpected phase change message:
I thought that it might have been caused by some daemon that I should have
turned off in the rc file, but I was in single user mode yesterday, trying
to compile kaffe and guavac when the message came up in the middle of
compilation. I made clean after the messages came up as it screwed up the
compiling process. However, each time I try to compile these packages, I
get this message. I have been using the most recent versions of both of
these packages. I have been able to compile other packages (fvwm2) without
a hitch. The configure scripts for these packages seem to find everything
they need, and both packages are supposedly compatible w/ NetBSD on m68k
machines (an older version of kaffe is in the Amiga ftp archive).
I have not, yet, updated X to 1.3.
On Fri, 7 Nov 1997, Keith Parkins wrote:
> It wasn't in those files. The message came up once after rc began on
> booting, once when I was using vi, and once when I was testing pppd. I'm
> busy writing a simulated annealing algorithm for my theory class right now
> and probably won't be able to post the message until after this weekend.
> Should I post to the newsgroup, or is there an individual to whom I should
> send the message? Oh yeah, is there something I can do to catch the
> message in a file?
> thanks -- Keith
> On Fri, 7 Nov 1997, Allen Briggs wrote:
> > > I have 1.3-ALPHA up and running along with the 1.2 X package on my LCII.
> > > Everything is going smoothly except for a weird system message that I got
> > > twice. I was busy at the time so didn't note it. I am waiting for it to
> > > come up again so that I can post the exact message to the developers.
> >
> > If it was of a certain class of message, you might be able to see it in
> > /var/log/messages or one of the backup /var/log/message files.
> >
> > -allen
> >
> > --
> > Allen Briggs - end killing -
> >