Subject: Color X server for 1.3ALPHA?
To: Port-mac68k <PORT-MAC68K@NetBSD.ORG>
From: T. Sean (Theo) Schulze <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/16/1997 13:13:13
Is there a color X server (like Ken's Xmacbsd-960512) that works with the
1.3ALPHA X stuff? (It is such temptation to say "X files" :-)
The 1.3ALPHA X server is not a color server, and Xmacbsd-960512 used with
the 1.3ALPHA files gives me the error message:
X connection to :0.0 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown)
I am assuming that this is because I am trying to use an old server with
newer binaries. Is that likely the case, or could this error be from
something else (like re-naming Xmacbsd to Xmac68k)?
T. Sean (Theo) Schulze
"It could probably be shown by facts and figures that
there is no distinctly native criminal class except
Congress." -- Mark Twain